Dawn Brookes Fiction Reading Order

Chronological Reading Order This is the order in which you should read if you want to follow characters through each series by chronology, rather than each series individually. All of the books are written so they can read as standalones without major spoilers. Some people prefer to read in series order and others might want to follow the characters develop chronologically. The Rachel Prince Mysteries feature Rachel Prince as the main character and are set on a fictional cruise ship. Rachel enjoys meeting up with her best friend who is a nurse on board the Coral Queen. Lady Marjorie joins her on alternate cruises. It wasn't planned like that... it just happened! The Carlos Jacobi series features Rachel's love interest; a PI intent on changing the world with the help of his ex police dog and a quirky detective sergeant, Fiona Cook. The Lady Marjorie Snellthorpe series follows an elderly quartet who get together for holidays and end up solving murders. This is a developing series. A Cruise to Murder (Rachel Prince #1) Deadly Cruise (Rachel Prince #2) Body in the Woods (Carlos Jacobi #1) Killer Cruise (Rachel Prince #3) The Bradgate Park Murders (Carlos Jacobi #2) Dying to Cruise (Rachel Prince #4) Body at the Jewry Wall (Carlos Jacobi #3) – coming in 2022 A Christmas Cruise Murder (Rachel Prince #5) Murderous Cruise Habit (Rachel Prince #6) Death of a Blogger (Lady Marjorie Snellthorpe Prequel Novella) Murder at the Opera House (Lady Marjorie Snellthorpe #1) Honeymoon Cruise Murder (Rachel Prince #7) Murder in the Highlands (Lady Marjorie Snellthorpe #2) Murder in the Strawberry Tent (Lady Marjorie Snellthorpe #3) – coming 2022 A Murder Mystery Cruise (Rachel Prince #8) Hazardous Cruise (Rachel Prince #9) Captain's Dinner Cruise Murder (Rachel Prince #10) Corporate Cruise Murder (Rachel Prince #11) More to be added…

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Monday 7th March 2022

I finalised events for the literature festival I chair and managed to get them all up on the website. The day pass tickets are now up for sale, so if you live near to Derby, feel free to take a look here. I'm continuing edits on my two-thirds finished draft of Murder in the Highlands and made steady progress with it today. It's starting to come together and I'm getting a handle on the characters and suspects, developing them at the same time. I've spent a few months exploring the social media platform Tiktok and will be creating more videos for my author presence there. If you would like to follow me you can find me here.

Continue ReadingMonday 7th March 2022

Sunday 6th March

Work in Progress I'm going through the editing process of Murder in the Highlands before taking the work forward. This helps me to refocus my attention and sets the stage for the final third. I'm almost two-thirds of the way through so it makes sense to do this now, making sure that what I've written so far is making sense. At this stage in almost every book I've written, I hit a brick wall and get a little bit bogged down by my internal critic. Once I come out of editing mode, I'll be able to silence the critic and switch back into creative mode! Looking forward to that. To be honest, I've been distracted by world events of late... who wouldn't be? Other Stuff As it was Sunday, I tried to take some rest and get other more mundane things done around the house. I went to virtual church as I have been doing since the pandemic started. Funnily enough, I've been able to go to a church in London which I went to when I lived in the capital forty years ago. All Souls Church in Langham Place has been putting on virtual services throughout lockdown and is continuing to do so. I've enjoyed returning to somewhere that seems familiar in spite of the number of years that have elapsed since I last went there physically. Literature Festival In 2018, I founded a literature festival which I now chair. I spent the morning creating and adding the final few graphics for events to the website and put the day pass tickets on sale. Tomorrow, I'll need to read through some guest blog posts for the site. I love doing the festival but while it was cancelled for two years during the pandemic, I'd forgotten just how time consuming it…

Continue ReadingSunday 6th March