Travel Journal Asia 1982 Day 7

Tuesday June 22nd 1982 We went to Newton Circus this evening and I gave up my brief spell as a vegetarian. I enjoyed a delicious chicken satay and a pint of pineapple juice! After dinner, Suzie took us to a country & western club where a friend of hers works. Soft drinks cost the same as alcoholic drinks at S$5.50 so J and I had Pernod. Suzie's friend Sandra appeared with a tray of drinks from a guy at the bar with a message, could he join us? Minutes later a loud and uncouth welshman called Davy. He works in Singapore. It took us a while to get rid of him, but eventually he took the hint we were not interested. Soon after another man joined us – a rich guy with a bodyguard. His name was either Harry or Henry Douglas. He offered me a job on his private yacht along with trips to New York, Peru, and/or Australia! I didn't ask what this job entailed and told him I wasn't interested. When he tried the same spiel on J and got the same response, he left along with the bodyguard. It had turned out to be an amusing evening but we were pleased to leave with Suzie. We'll be leaving Singapore tomorrow and heading into Malaysia. Numerous people have tried to talk us out of going to Sri Lanka and India, but India is one of the places I'm most looking forward to. The whole idea of this trip was to mix with people from cultures so different to our own, neither of us felt the need to change our course although, if any country would have been able to do it, it would have been Singapore.

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Travel Journal 1982 Day 3

Friday June 18th 1982 Woke at 12:30pm after a glorious 12 hours sleep. This apartment is gorgeous, we're certainly spoilt with the air conditioning. We've decided to stay here until Tuesday and then we'll go to K.L. (Kuala Lumpar). I've just had to throw my jacket down the rubbish chute as it was weighing me down – sob, sob! It's nice not having to worry about leaving our belongings while we go out. The beige jacket was a favourite of mine but it was going to be too hot lugging it all around Asia. Had a fairly busy afternoon. Got a but into town and went to a market place called Change Alley. An incredible place where traders pounce on you as soon as you walk in; offering anything and everything for sale. We met two New Zealanders who gave us their map as they're going to England in 5 days time. Statue of Sir Stamford Raffles We visited the famous Raffles Hotel. My uncle was stationed in Singapore during the war and asked me to visit the place as he had fond memories. Singapore is beautiful, it's so clean... there's a S$500 fine for dropping litter, even cigarette butts. They also have a law against jaywalking with a S$10 fine. You have to use pedestrian crossings all the way. We walked along Queen Elizabeth Walk and found some beautiful gardens there. We saw the Merlion which pours water from its mouth into the river. Arrived back at the apartment at 7:30pm. Suzie was home. She's really sweet and is going to show us around Singapore tomorrow. She says we can use the car! It's incredible how trusting she is. We took advantage of the onsite open air swimming pool at about 8:30pm; fantastic and really cool. I came out feeling…

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